Royal Kaupmannahöfn er danskt vörumerki sem býður upp á úrval af hágæða og fallega hönnuðum postulíns borðbúnaði og heimilisskreytingum. Konunglega Kaupmannahöfn safnsins inniheldur allt frá klassískum og glæsilegum hönnun til nútímalegri og litríkari valkosta, sem allir eru smíðaðir af umhyggju úr úrvals efnum. Hvert stykki er vandlega hannað til að vera bæði hagnýtur og fallegur, með áherslu á tímalaus hönnun og endingu. Postulínsefnið er þekkt fyrir styrk sinn og mótstöðu gegn flísum, sem gerir það að fullkomnu vali til daglegrar notkunar.

Royal Kaupmannahöfn

Royal Kaupmannahöfn er danskt vörumerki sem býður upp á úrval af hágæða og fallega hönnuðum postulíns borðbúnaði og heimilisskreytingum. Konunglega Kaupmannahöfn safnsins inniheldur allt frá klassískum og glæsilegum hönnun til nútímalegri og li...

Sýni 251 - 275 af 446 vörur
[product_category]-Royal Copenhagen Flora Bowl Pansy, 50cl-Royal Copenhagen-5705140708087-1017556-ROY-1
Royal Copenhagen Flora Skál Fjóla, 50cl
Útsöluverð7.900 kr
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[product_category]-Royal Copenhagen Elements White Top, 38,5 Cm-Royal Copenhagen-5705140716082-1017069-ROY-1
Royal Copenhagen Elements White Top, 38,5 Cm
Útsöluverð18.700 kr
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[product_category]-Royal Copenhagen Black Lace Plate, 22 Cm-Royal Copenhagen-5705140742548-1066928-ROY-1
Royal Copenhagen Black Lacedplata, 22 cm
Útsöluverð9.400 kr
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[product_category]-Royal Copenhagen Princess Bowl 2 Pieces, 15 Cl-Royal Copenhagen-5705140739234-1062486-ROY-1
Royal Copenhagen Princess Bowl 2 stykki, 15 cl
Útsöluverð11.400 kr
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[product_category]-Royal Copenhagen Blue Fluted Mega Bowl, 9 Cl-Royal Copenhagen-5705140739272-1062490-ROY-1
Royal Copenhagen Blue renndi Mega Bowl, 9 CL
Útsöluverð5.700 kr
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[product_category]-Royal Copenhagen Alphabet Cup 33 Cl, V-Royal Copenhagen-5705140738862-1061967-ROY-1
Royal Copenhagen Alphabet Cup 33 CL, V
Útsöluverð12.900 kr
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[product_category]-Royal Copenhagen Alphabet Cup 33 Cl, R-Royal Copenhagen-5705140721802-1017160-ROY-1
Royal Copenhagen Alphabet Cup 33 CL, R
Útsöluverð12.900 kr
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[product_category]-Royal Copenhagen Alphabet Cup 33 Cl, A-Royal Copenhagen-5705140721840-1017152-ROY-1
Royal Copenhagen Alphabet Cup 33 CL, a
Útsöluverð12.900 kr
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[product_category]-Royal Copenhagen White Fluted Half Lace Deep Plate, 24 Cm-Royal Copenhagen-5705140738091-1061054-ROY-1
Royal Copenhagen White Fluled Half Lace Dep
Útsöluverð7.500 kr
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[product_category]-Royal Copenhagen Blomst Daylily Vase, 20 Cm-Royal Copenhagen-5705140737285-1058869-ROY-1
Royal Copenhagen Blomst Daylily Vase, 20 cm
Útsöluverð29.700 kr
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Royal Copenhagen B&G Plate Barnadag, Ø 14 cm
Royal Copenhagen B&G Plate Barnadag, Ø 14 cm
Útsöluverð4.200 kr Venjulegt verð8.200 kr
[product_category]-Royal Copenhagen Flora Plate Magnolia, 19cm-Royal Copenhagen-5705140736172-1056861-ROY-1
Royal Copenhagen Flora Plate Magnolia, 19 cm
Útsöluverð6.700 kr
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[product_category]-Royal Copenhagen Princess Mug 37cl, 2pcs.-Royal Copenhagen-5705140735281-1055289-ROY-1
Royal Copenhagen Princess Mug 37Cl, 2pcs.
Útsöluverð13.400 kr
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[product_category]-Royal Copenhagen Blomst Plate Tulip, 19cm-Royal Copenhagen-5705140733645-1028396-ROY-1
Royal Copenhagen Blomst Plate Tulip, 19 cm
Útsöluverð11.700 kr
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